Tinnitus erfolgreich in Berlin behandeln beim HNO-Arzt


Many people suffer from annoying ringing in their ears that severely impair their quality of life. It rings, whistles or rattles – in one or both ears. It's not always easy to find the cause. Here is just a small overview of possible triggers:

• music that's too loud
• explosions in the immediate vicinity
• cardiovascular diseases
• circulatory disorders
• strained spine
• disorders of the mandibular joint and malocclusion
• psychological stress

In addition, there are also clearly identifiable causes such as foreign objects in the ear itself and inflammations in the auditory canal as well as calcifications, pressure equalisation disorders and scarring in the middle ear.
You see, there are a lot of reasons for the annoying ringing in your ears. That's why you should come to us if the ringing in the ears doesn't stop on its own after two days.
In our practice, we're very familiar with the various types of ringing in the ears. After an extensive examination and consultation, we immediately take the right steps for you. The therapy ranges from medication, relaxation measures, acoustic therapy methods to interdisciplinary treatment in cooperation with orthodontists and psychotherapists.
We take a lot of time for individual diagnosis and treatment, so take your time and make an appointment at our practice.
